Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri addresses Qisas movement rally in DG Khan

While addressing a rally and sit-in organized in DG Khan as part of the ongoing Qisas movement, PAT Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the nexus between corrupt leaders has now turned into the anti-state activities. He said that the politics of ‘reconciliation’ is baptizing every crime, stating that only God knows what will be the fate of the country. He said it appears that the request to resort to name-calling was made from Islamabad. He said that the pernicious speech was delivered in London whereas acts of violence took place in Karachi....

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri addresses protest demonstrations in 105 cities

Addressing the protest demonstrations and sit-ins held in 105 cities under the banner of PAT on August 20 from the central secretariat via video link, PAT Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the Sharif family should beware that we can take the revenge of June 17 within 7 days but he taught peace all his life and the hands of the workers are tied. He said that Punjab is ideological capital of terrorists, asking that terrorism came to an end from Waziristan, when will it end from Punjab? He said that India brought Nawaz Sharif into power, adding that he is aware of the countries that played their role in installing him in power....

Govt bringing amendment in law to avoid justice: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri

Addressing a hurriedly called press conference, PAT Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the government is going to bulldoze 100-year old Criminal Procedure Act 1898 from Section 200 to Section 2004 to ward off justice and Qisas in the Model Town case. He said that the plan against justice and fundamental rights of the people was made at the highest level in Islamabad and implemented in Lahore....

Government tried to establish contact to stop movement: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri

Addressing the Azadi Convention in the PAT central secretariat, PAT Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the Prime Minister made an attempt to establish a contact on August 13 through some source to stop the movement. He said that he made it clear to all those establishing backdoor contacts that there would be no talk less than Qisas. He said that protest demonstrations will now be held for integrity and security of Pakistan across 130 cities instead of 100 on August 20....

Qisas movement to lead to justice & accountability: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri addresses sit-in

Addressing the Qisas March and the sit-in telephonically on The Mall Lahore arranged by PAT, Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that we have formally launched a movement today to get justice for the martyrs of Model Town and expose the corrupt elements involved in the Panama leaks. He said that the movement will lead to the Sharif family’s end of the power and they would have no shelter except in India. He asked the rulers to see with their eyes the level of excitement and enthusiasm among the workers of PAT despite the fact he is not yet part of the movement....

All set for Qisas Movement to begin today: PAT

PAT Secretary General Khurram Nawaz Gandapur has said that all arrangements for the political movement starting today have been completed. He said that the workers and leaders of all political parties that signed the communique of national consultative meeting on July 31 including PTI, PML-Q, MWM, Sunni Ittehad Council, and JUP will attend the demonstration. He said that there is complete agreement among political forces about justice for the Model Town victims and demand for accountability of the ruling family....

PAT announces anti-government countrywide campaign from Aug 6

Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) led by Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri announced to launch an anti-government protest against Model Town massacre and the corruption of the incumbent government from August 6. A few-hour long sit-in would be staged in the campaign, he said. “This is the beginning of a movement. It will reach its climax with the thorough obliteration of the rulers,” the PAT chairman Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said while talking to the media here on Sunday. Also, he said that he has support of 25 political parties....

‘Tehreek-e-Qisas’ to be launched for justice: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri

The Federal Council of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek on Friday has through a resolution given full authority to its chairman Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri to start a ‘Tehreek-e-Qisas’ to ensure that the martyrs of the Model Town Massacre are provided justice. The resolution further stated that the First Information Report of the Model Town incident was registered on the intervention of the Army Chief and now the Army Chief must ensure that justice is served in this case and culprits are sent to jail....

Hard to understand why state institutions are tolerating corrupt rulers: Dr Tahir ul Qadri

PAT Chairman Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that it is hard to understand how and why the society and the state institutions are tolerating corrupt, cruel and murderous rule. He expressed these views while talking to the media at the Lahore airport on Wednesday morning after arrival from the UK. The PAT chairman said that the whole world watched the live coverage of the Model Town incident and saw policemen firing and killing innocent and unarmed PAT workers. But to the astonishment of the whole world not a single person who fired and killed PAT workers has been arrested. ...